
Live sustainably with a small purse

Ineke Malsch • 5 januari 2023

Highlights of Sustainable Utrecht 2030

Last year, we have talked with around five hundred citizens of Utrecht about sustainable living with a small purse. They told us how they already take sustainability into account, for example by saving energy, recycling clothes, or helping each other with repairs. Several people wanted to live more sustainably, for which they need help from the municipality, housing corporations or other organizations.

Last autumn we were looking for ways to make some wishes possible. With social work students from the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, we brought people without a garden who like to garden in contact with people with a garden they cannot maintain. In the coming period, we want to find out whether people who are on the waiting list for an allotment garden can keep a vegetable garden in someone else's garden, sharing the proceeds.

Together with the Voedselbank Overvecht and Energie U, we were looking for volunteers who make the homes of clients of the food bank more energy efficient. They stick radiator foil, apply draft strips and turn in LED lamps. They also give advice on saving energy, for example by turning down the heating or taking a shorter shower. Soon, more voluntary energy advisors will start helping other families.

Until the end of January, students of environmental science at HAS University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch are investigating how people with a small purse in Lunetten can get subsidised sustainable fruit and vegetables from local growers. Afterwards, we will try to put the students' plans into practice.

Why did we take the initiative for Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 – Live sustainably with a small purse? The municipality of Utrecht and other governments want to achieve the seventeen sustainable development goals by 2030. They want to fight poverty and protect the environment. That is only possible if everyone helps; rich AND poor. But it is not clear what people are already doing themselves, and how they want to live more sustainably. We therefore ask people with a small purse how they want to live sustainably themselves and involve politicians, civil servants, educational institutions, social partners, and citizens in making these wishes possible. Between 9 October 2021 and 11 November 2022, 42 meetings were held at 30 locations throughout the city of Utrecht. Approximately 150 volunteers were involved, nineteen students and two pupils. In addition, we reached about one million people through newspapers, radio, city TV and partners' own media. The municipality of Utrecht (Initiatievenfonds), Kerk en Wereld and Katholieke Caritas Utrecht have subsidized the project, and dozens of organizations have participated in it. Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 won the third prize of the Mantel van Sint Maarten 2022. We are enthusiastically moving forward in 2023. Do you have an idea, or do you want to help? Contact Want to know more? Check:

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Op zaterdag 11 januari 2025 gingen zes bewoners van het AZC aan de Joseph Haydnlaan mee naar de vaste stopplaats van de mobiele verpakkingsvrije winkel van Loos Utrecht, om 12.30 uur bij Buurten in de Fabriek. Een vrouw en vijf mannen kochten met tegoedbonnen verschillende verpakkingsvrije biologische kruidenierswaren. Hiermee verzamelden we aanvullende informatie bij de proef met gesubsidieerde biologische boodschappen op Kanaleneiland van najaar 2024. Noten waren het populairst, en sommigen kochten ook snoep. Deelnemer 1 kocht frambozen in chocolade, geroosterde en gezouten pistachenoten, en vegan zuurwormen voor haar kinderen. De zuurwormen zijn geschikt voor een halal-dieet, omdat het geen gelatine op basis van varkenshuid bevat. Deelnemer 2 kocht geroosterde en gezouten pistachenoten. Deelnemer 3 kocht walnoten, chocolade, chiazaden en gemengde noten. Zijn tip voor de toekomst is om uitstapjes naar boerderijen te organiseren, om daar meer te leren over biologische landbouwmethoden. In een eerder AZC bij Maastricht, werkte hij als vrijwilliger op een boerderij. Deelnemer 4 kocht gemengde noten, hazelnoten en pistachenoten. Deelnemer 5 wilde in de toekomst niet veel biologische producten kopen. Het bezwaar is dat hij een zoutarm dieet heeft en dus niet veel gezouten noten mag eten. Bovendien heeft de dokter in een eerder AZC ontdekt dat hij diabetes heeft. Daarom mag hij niet teveel snoepen. Nu kocht hij pinda’s, pistachenoten, en gemengde noten, half met en half zonder zout. Alle deelnemers vonden de gekochte producten lekker, en vonden de mobiele winkel van Loos Utrecht goed. Ook de winkelier was vriendelijk en goed. Op 29 januari hang ik het verslag van dit uitstapje naar Loos Utrecht op bij A Beautiful Mess, tijdens de volgende bijeenkomst die De Voorkamer daar organiseert.
door Ineke Malsch 13 januari 2025
On Saturday, January 11, 2025, six residents of the asylum seekers' center on Joseph Haydnlaan went to the regular stop of the mobile packaging-free store of Loos Utrecht, at 12:30 p.m. at Buurten in de Fabriek. A woman and five men bought various packaging-free organic groceries with vouchers. With this, we collected additional information from the autumn 2024 trial with subsidised organic groceries on Kanaleneiland. Nuts were the most popular, and some also bought candy. Participant 1 bought raspberries in chocolate, roasted and salted pistachios, and vegan barourworms for her children. The barourworms are suitable for a halal diet, as it does not contain gelatin based on pig skin. Participant 2 bought roasted and salted pistachios. Participant 3 bought walnuts, chocolate, chia seeds and mixed nuts. His tip for the future is to organize trips to farms to learn more about organic farming methods. In an earlier asylum seekers' center near Maastricht, he worked as a volunteer on a farm. Participant 4 bought mixed nuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. Participant 5 did not want to buy many organic products in the future. The objection is that he has a low-salt diet and is therefore not allowed to eat a lot of salted nuts. Moreover, the doctor discovered in a previous asylum seekers' centre that he has diabetes. That is why he should not eat too many sweets. Now he bought peanuts, pistachios, and mixed nuts, half with and half without salt.  All participants liked the purchased products, and liked the mobile store of Loos Utrecht. The shopkeeper was also friendly and good. On January 29, I will hang the report of this trip to Loos Utrecht at A Beautiful Mess, during the next meeting that De Voorkamer organizes there.
door Ineke Malsch 6 januari 2025
Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 nieuwsbrief januari 2025
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