Together with students and volunteers, we visit people with a small budget in places where they feel at home and ask them how they want to live sustainably themselves. We then look for partners to make those wishes possible in co-creation with the target group. Social justice and environmental protection go hand in hand. This idea was conceived during the Sustainable Utrecht 2030 workshop on 9 October 2021 in the Dominicuskerk in Utrecht. The initiative is gaining increased support. This is visible through two awards awarded: the third prize of the Mantel of Sint Maarten 2022, and one of the three U Awards of Utrecht 4 Global Goals in 2023.
Read more about our achievements in this newsletter.
Are you inspired?
With your help, we can take new steps forward, such as:
Organic food for everyone
Building on the pilot with subsidised organic groceries in Lunetten, we will present a petition on organic food for the whole of Utrecht to the city council committee on Energy (transition), Sustainability, Real Estate and Housing on 8 February 2024. We are also looking for partners for a follow-up in Lunetten, and for similar trials in one or two other districts.
Mobility poverty
The report on mobility poverty among students at HAS University of Applied Sciences will be published in February. After that, we want to start follow-up projects, for which we are looking for partners. One possibility is to conduct a survey or conversations about the mobility wishes of residents of Sterrenwijk when the community centre Sterrenzicht will be renovated and activities will be held elsewhere.
In 2024, we will further develop the communication plan for Sustainable Utrecht 2030, to increase the reach and impact of the initiative within and outside Utrecht. In doing so, we emphasise concrete results that have already been achieved, for example from the trial with subsidised organic groceries. We also put concrete questions for follow-up projects by students and other partners in the spotlight more strongly.
Energy poverty
If we can find the right partners, we want to try to get an exemplary project started in a neighborhood in 2024 in which volunteer maintenance people and landlords of social housing work together to make these homes more sustainable in consultation with residents.
New Topics
Young people and people with a migrant background need concrete solutions and information to separate waste, shop packaging-free, fly less and consume less. In consultation with partners, we are trying to meet this in 2024.
Please contact us if you would like to help:
Adres: p/a EthicSchool, postbus 455, 3500 AL Utrecht