On Monday morning, September 2, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., we handed out 38 10-euro gift vouchers that visitors could use to buy organic and sustainable food themselves, for the packaging-free cart of Loos Utrecht, which was parked next to Bij Bosshardt.
Some visitors gave their responses on 2 September, and 19 people handed in the completed questionnaires. One lady explained that eating organic and healthy food at a low budget takes time, so it may be easier for a pensioner than for parents of young kids. Some organic vegetables may be cheaper at one discount supermarket, while others have a lower price at another shop. If you have enough time, you can try baking your own sourdough bread. Check our report for these and other useful suggestions and opinions of the participants.
Adres: p/a EthicSchool, postbus 455, 3500 AL Utrecht
E-mailadres: ineke@duurzaamutrecht2030.nl