On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, we set the stage for the cookbook project Organic food with a small budget in Lunetten, with eight people from the Lunetten giveaway shop, the Poverty Coalition, the community health centre and Duurzaam Utrecht 2030. A visitor preferred to eat stew, with raw endive or other vegetables. Do you like that too, or do you enjoy something completely different? Let us know.
Organic or sustainable fruits, vegetables and other ingredients are abundantly available around the district this summer. Do you have your own allotment garden and would you like to share your harvest with neighbors? Or do you regularly sit down at a buurtbuik, after which you get leftover fruit or vegetables? Do you have food to spare from your weekly organic grocery subscription or were your eyes bigger than your stomach in the store? Do you like to cycle around the block to bring the groceries to the kitchen? Many hands make light work, so your input is very welcome.
We are not quite at the point where we can sit down together yet. However, we are allowed to use the kitchen of the Musketon to cook together and taste the recipes, and we can set the table in the giveaway shop. We are now looking for two or three more cooks. In any case, a chef should know how to use a combi steamer. Do you prefer to set the table or do you like to wash dishes? We'd love to hear from you.
A recipe writer has already come forward, but the more people, the merrier. Do you take the best pictures? Then present the dishes tastily. After each feast, we put the recipe with photo on duurzaamutrecht2030.nl. In the end, we make a cookbook together. We are still looking for a publisher for that. To ensure that everyone can join, we are looking for sponsors and donors to cover the costs.
Sign up quickly by e-mail to ineke@duurzaamutrecht2030.nl, and keep an eye on the agenda on duurzaamutrecht2030.nl or lunetten.nl. As soon as our team of volunteers is complete, we will set the date for the first tasting.
Adres: p/a EthicSchool, postbus 455, 3500 AL Utrecht
E-mailadres: ineke@duurzaamutrecht2030.nl
Wilt u activiteiten van Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 financieel steunen? Scan dan de QR-code hiernaast.
Alle donaties die binnenkomen besteden we aan onkosten van projecten waar mensen met smalle beurs zelf voordeel van hebben.
Van mei t/m juli 2024 zijn dat cadeaubonnen voor biologisch eten voor bezoekers van Bij Bosshardt in Kanaleneiland.
Helaas heeft Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 momenteel geen ANBI status. omdat het een informeel netwerk is. Uw donatie komt op de rekening van de coordinator: eenmanszaak Malsch TechnoValuation, (2e handelsnaam EthicSchool) ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel Utrecht onder nummer 30153543.
Mail ineke@duurzaamutrecht2030.nl als u meer wilt weten.