Last Saturday 22nd of February, I conducted a workshop at community centre Rosa for our mobility poverty project here in DuurzaamUtrecht2030. We were with 5 women and 2 men. The project commenced with a brainstorm inviting residents to reflect on how accessible they perceive transportation to be, and to tinker with us on ideas for improvement and any help they would need. This culminated in the creation of the mobility guide, to help information be accessible and bring to light the benefits available and the eligibility for them.
This workshop aimed to explain the contents of the mobility guide and receive feedback on its contents, and presentation and to open the conversation surrounding transport. The workshop group was constructive, brainstorming ideas for different aspects of betterment.
Navigation and Interaction
Participants suggested adding a visual chart at the beginning of the guide to be able to redirect to relevant information easily, and even perhaps make the mobility guide click-able to be able to navigate to the desired section. And to add more information or perhaps hear users on their experience, maybe include a link to a feedback form that can allow for constant interaction,
Additional information
Fietsdeal is an option under the benefits offered with the UPas, which allows for a discount on bike acquisition to cost 30 euros. Moreover, the guide lacks an outline of the handicap accessibility options offered by the municipality. From different grants and facilitations to even available aid.
In conclusion, the mobility guide was made for residents with their needs and needs to be adaptable to changes within policies. Going forward, this project will be changed for improvement and updated as policy changes.
Check the webpage on mobility poverty regularly, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter if you want to be kept informed.
Adres: p/a EthicSchool, postbus 455, 3500 AL Utrecht