At 17:30 on November 22, 2024, Het Knooppunt, in collaboration with Duurzaam Utrecht 2030, hosted a Tasting event in the neighborhood of Lunetten. It was an evening of shared meals, learning, and connection where neighbors came together to contribute and enjoy a dinner. The concept was simple yet impactful: residents prepared and brought dishes to share, creating a communal meal that was accessible to all at the incredibly low price of just €3 for the whole dinner. This event was not just about enjoying great food. It was a learning experience for many. Neighbors exchanged recipes, tips, and ideas about how they made their dishes, offering inspiration and knowledge on how to prepare meals. You could either contribute by bringing a dish or simply come to enjoy the food for just 3 euros.
Read the full report here.
Adres: p/a EthicSchool, postbus 455, 3500 AL Utrecht
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Van mei t/m juli 2024 zijn dat cadeaubonnen voor biologisch eten voor bezoekers van Bij Bosshardt in Kanaleneiland.
Helaas heeft Duurzaam Utrecht 2030 momenteel geen ANBI status. omdat het een informeel netwerk is. Uw donatie komt op de rekening van de coordinator: eenmanszaak Malsch TechnoValuation, (2e handelsnaam EthicSchool) ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel Utrecht onder nummer 30153543.
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